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True North Rail Limited was originally formed in 2018 by a specialist team of rail engineers - Ian Fury and James Furlong.  Both who longed to develop a signal sighting tool which excelled in high visual standards, had extensive functionality and which was genuinely useful and usable.

Development of a new Signal Sighting Tool

The team then entered into a period of research and developed a new signal sighting tool based on Unreal Engine which is called TrueSight™.  After successfully winning a competitive tender, the True North Rail team went on to deliver the first-of-a-kind Unreal Engine-based signal sighting tool for Network Rail. This was part of the Rugeley to Colwich Re-signalling Scheme.


Since then, the partners of the business have invested extensively into various upgrades to the sighting tool & are continuously reinvesting to improve and develop processes, service and sighting functionality.

Our Engineering Expertise

  • We provide visual content that actually delivers useful functionality for all manner of rail industry projects.

  • As Engineers we understand the interfaces between affected rail disciplines and existing infrastructure, including signalling, track, overhead line and civils.

  • We understand the complexities of project delivery and assurance processes: including engineering management for projects and signal sighting assessments.

  • We can provide additional technical expertise and resources: to support the assurance process including signal sighting chair, signalling, track, & OLE specialist input.

Our Capabilities as Engineers
Screen Grab of Truesight Technology


1. All content produced must be to a high visual standard

There is intrinsic value in high quality visual content for all parties: the client, the end-users, stakeholders and True North Rail. Our tools and process allow us to deliver this eficiently.


2. The content must satisfy the requirements of specific-use cases

3. Funtionality must be both genuinely useful and usable

It must add value, and facilitate a genuine-use case. The user interface must be uncluttered and as simple to use as possible.


A State-of- the-Art Visualisation Created Using Unreal Engine Capable of:

  • Survey and design data is imported to enable modelling based on 100% accuracy, rather than approximations normally used for the purposes of game entertainment products.

  • The enhanced perspective field of view (zoom) provided in the gaming engine mimics the human eye perspective.

  • Gaming Engine advanced rendering algorithms create highly realistic and immersive models and simulations that perform efficiently.

  • The visual quality of signal sighting models means they are ‘driver-route learning-ready.’

  • The level of fidelity is suitable both for engaging stakeholders via communications, and for use in PR.

  • The possibilities for wider-use cases and online accessibility, such as trackworker safety briefings and general site awareness briefings, are significant.

  • Allows out-of-the-box integration with Mission Room.

  • Allows online access using webrowser via PureWeb.

  • Placement of asset to a co-ordinated project meterage (or chainage) that aligns with the track design, signalling scheme plan and signal sighting forms.

  • Placement of asset aligned to a specific track with offset and height above rail applied (for signals, the height and offset are to the centre of the red aspect in accordance with signal sighting standards).

  • Interrogation of other assets such as track and OLE.

  • Ability to model all signal types and configurations as depicted on the scheme plans, inclusive of long and medium range signals, and hot strip position.

Rugeley To Colwich ReSignalling


Out of the Box Integration

The level of fidelity is suitable both for engaging stakeholders via communications, and for use in PR.

The possibilities for wider-use cases and online accessibility, such as trackworker safety briefings and general site awareness briefings, are significant.


Allows out-of-the-box integration with Mission Room, and online access using webrowser via PureWeb.

Rugeley to Colwich Re-Signalling Scheme

The more realistic the visualisation, the more useful it is!

The image shown above is from the implementation of the signal sighting tool for the Rugeley to Colwich (R2C) Re signalling Scheme. This is the baseline standard of visual quality that can be expected.

And the image below shows that the stationary train has been accurately dimensioned to assess potential obscuration and impact on minimum reading time for the adjacent platform signal, due to the curvature of the track.

Truesight Driver In Cab Screen Shot


Simulating all Aspects of a Train Drivers Environment

Our solution incorporates a simulation of the driver’s eye perspective in Unreal Engine ‘Game Mode’ with a HMI (Human Machine Interface) display set and tools. The result is the rapid ability to adjust, test proposals from the driver’s eye perspective, to then refine and agree with the signal sighting committee.

Simulating the Impact of Seasonal Vegetation
As the seasons bring a variation in vegetation, so can our visualisations. The ability of our landscaping tools to quickly and easily alter vegetation size and scale to accurately represent the impact of nature, depending on the time of year.

Demonstrating & Simulating the Impact of Light & Weather Conditions
Altering sky, lighting, and weather conditions (including snow and rainfall) is a standard function of Unreal
Engine. The image below of a sunset at Handsacre Junction demonstrates the ability of the tool to alter the time of day and position of the sun, giving users a catch-all visualisation.


Sunset at Handsacre Junction


Other Possible Simulations

Fully Textured & Surfaced Models

Such as agreeing new positions for dispatch equipment impacted by temporary works/ hoardings in a station. 

Demonstrating Realistic Asset Conditions

The Unreal Engine Editor is specifically geared towards fast modelling of assets in a 3D environment. This means alterations and adjustments can be made quickly and in ‘real time’. Coupled with the additional enhancements provided for rail asset modelling the tool can simulate various options needed to determine the best signal position.

A Power Tool for Track Worker Safety Briefings

The image below shows the provision of possession marker boards and the limits of live OLE. Investment in the VR model can be used to leverage other opportunities, such as enhanced trackworker safety briefings. This output will be delivered in collaboration with the principal contractor team and facilitated via super large display screens during briefings. An immersive, high-quality briefing using meta human actors (photorealistic digital human avatars) is a realistic proposition that can significantly enhance training videos for trackworkers, as well as stakeholder and PR communications.

Virtual Site Safety Overlay





Our methodology & process for content creation is based on Geospatial/GIS foundations. The virtual world is created based on the real world project coordinate system (such as OS or SnakeGrid). Various forms of GIS data are used to create the initial base of the model, including accurate digital terrain data. GIS tools are used to map features such as peripheral buildings, rivers/lakes and trees/ vegetation for importing into Unreal Engine, and leverage algorithmic/procedural tools to eficiently create realistic and immersive environments.



Project 3D design and survey data is eficiently imported into Unreal Engine, retaining the project coordinate system to the level of accuracy of the source material.


We visually enhance 3D survey and design data (applying realistic surfaces and materials) for key landmarks and points of interest where this is deemed to add value.


We’ve developed a comprehensive set of modelling & visualisation tools specifically for the rail industry, & initially to support the signal sighting assessment process. Much of the functionality developed provides a solid platform to work from & is reusable for additional use cases. We can develop additional functionality using both the Unreal Engine Visual BluePrint facility and C++ coding.

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